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Press release
New members strengthen Alliance Sud
24.01.2022, International cooperation
New members, a new Director and a new Presidency – all signal the dawn of a new era in the 50-year history of Alliance Sud. In the light of growing inequality and a civil society that is coming under ever greater pressure around the world, it is more crucial than ever to have a powerful voice in development policy in Switzerland.

“We are very pleased that Solidar Suisse and Terre des hommes are now two new members that will fully support our shared development endeavours”, says Markus Allemann, President of Alliance Sud and Director of Swissaid. “We are thus deepening the coordination between the leading development organizations and strengthening the voice of the Global South in Swiss politics”.
With the merger of HEKS/EPER and Bread for All at the start of the year, the Alliance Sud member-ship now comprises Swissaid, Fastenaktion, Helvetas, Caritas, Heks/Eper, Solidar Suisse and Terre des hommes. The Swiss Red Cross is also an associate member of the Berne-based association.
The new Director Andreas Missbach too will be breaking fresh ground and harnessing his extensive experience in order to forge ahead with the development of the organization: “Alliance Sud is much more than a lobby organization or an interest group”, he says. “We are a centre of excellence for issues of international cooperation and strive to ensure that Switzerland becomes ”world-compatible”. Without an economy that respects ecosystems and protects the climate system, there will be no world in which we can live; without global justice, there will be no world in which we want to live”.
Alliance Sud represents its member organizations in Parliament and vis-a-vis the Federal Administra-tion. At Alliance Sud, media representatives will find competent professionals capable of furnishing well-founded and differentiated information on matters such as sustainable development, international fiscal and financial policies, trade and climate policy, and corporate responsibility. With its magazine “global”, Alliance Sud provides background information and analyses on Swiss foreign and development policy.
Further information:
Markus Allemann, President of Alliance Sud and Director of Swissaid, Tel. +41 79 833 15 69
Andreas Missbach, Director Alliance Sud, Tel. +41 31 390 93 30