UN tax convention
The countries of the Global South are being severely disadvantaged by the international tax system. The comprehensive reforms of the past ten years in the OECD framework have made little difference. This is why the Global South is now counting on a UN tax convention, which is currently being negotiated.
What it is about
At initiative of the African States, a UN convention on international tax cooperation has been in preparation since 2022, under the auspices of the UN. The aim is to arrive at global tax rules that are suited to the current global economic structures and no longer penalise the countries in the South. The matters up for discussion include the taxation of multinational corporations and transnationally structured private assets, tax transparency, tackling illicit financial flows, environmental and climate taxation and tax policy as a means of enforcing human rights and gender equality.
Being a part of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Alliance Sud is engaged in the process, and is urging Switzerland, as host country to numerous multinational corporations and a global offshore financial centre, to mediate as a bridge-builder between North and South, instead of intransigently defending the privileges so far enjoyed under the international tax system at the expense of global society.