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Press release
Andreas Missbach becomes new Director of Alliance Sud
29.09.2021, International cooperation
The Board of Alliance Sud has elected Andreas Missbach as the new Director. He takes over from Mark Herkenrath, who left Alliance Sud at the end of July. Andreas Missbach will take office on 1 January 2022.

Andreas Missbach
"We are delighted to have attracted a distinguished figure to assume the challenging mission," says Bernd Nilles, Chairman of Alliance Sud and Director of Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund. “Andreas Missbach is the ideal incumbent. His wide-ranging experience, extensive network and strategic mind-set will be a boost to Alliance Sud in its commitment to equitable North-South relations and a Switzerland that is guided by solidarity. Andreas Missbach will be a competent contact person for politicians and the Administration."
Andreas Missbach (born in 1966) is a historian, he has written a dissertation on United Nations climate policy, and from 2001 to 2021 served the Berne Declaration/Public Eye in various fields, most recently as a Joint Managing Director and Head of the Department for Commodities, Trade & Finance.
"I am delighted to work with Alliance Sud for global justice and to strengthen the voice of the global South and of development organizations in Swiss politics," says Andreas Missbach. This is more necessary than ever: whether climate crisis or Corona crisis, it is the poorest population groups who are hit the hardest."
Alliance Sud is the development policy alliance of the following Swiss development organizations: Swissaid, Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund, Bread for All, Helvetas, Caritas and HEKS/EPER. It is also supported by the following partner organizations: Solidar Suisse, Terre des Hommes Switzerland and the Swiss Red Cross. For 50 years now Alliance Sud has championed the causes of a more just world and a Switzerland that shows solidarity.
Further information:
Bernd Nilles, Chairman of Alliance Sud and Director of Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund